Library for the RB3201-RBControl board with the ESP32 by RoboticsBrno.

Library for board RB3201-RBControl based on ESP32.

Library documentation.

Arduino compatible. Available on the PlatformIO.


#include <freertos/FreeRTOS.h>
#include <freertos/task.h>
#include <esp_system.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "RBControl.hpp"
extern "C" void app_main() {
// Initialize the robot manager
auto& man = rb::Manager::get();
// Set motor power limits
.pwmMaxPercent(0, 70) // left wheel
.pwmMaxPercent(1, 70) // right wheel
.pwmMaxPercent(2, 28) // turret left/right
.pwmMaxPercent(3, 45) // turret up/down
man.leds().yellow(); // Turn the yellow led on
//man.piezo().setTune(444); // start the piezo
int i = 0;
const auto& bat = man.battery();
while(true) {
vTaskDelay(1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
printf("Tick #%d, battery at %d%%, %dmv\n", i++, bat.pct(), bat.voltageMv());
static Manager & get()
Get manager instance.
Definition: RBControl_manager.hpp:64

Testing the library during development

When you want to test the library, when you making some change in the library, use command pio ci in the command line/shell:

pio ci --lib="." -C "platformio.ini" examples/motors

For testing you can use any project in the folder examples. Just replace the examples/motors with some other project.