Library for the RB3201-RBControl board with the ESP32 by RoboticsBrno.
▼Nlw | |
CPacket | |
CServo | |
▼Nrb | The base namespace. Contains some logging functions, too |
▼Nhalf_duplex | |
Cuart_tx_data_t | |
Cuart_pat_rb_t | |
Cuart_obj_t | |
CAngle | |
▼CArm | |
CBoneDefinition | |
CDefinition | |
CBone | |
CBoneBuilder | |
CArmBuilder | |
CBattery | Contains the battery state and can control the robot's power |
CEncoder | |
CLeds | Helper class for controlling the LEDs connected to the expander |
CManager | The main library class for working with the RBControl board. Call the install() method at the start of your program |
CMotorChangeBuilder | Helper class for building the motor change event |
CMotor | |
CNvs | |
CPiezo | Helper class for controlling the piezo |
CSerialPWM | |
CSmartServoBus | |
CTimers |